MSM celebrates National Apprenticeship Week 2024
To mark National Apprenticeship Week 2024, we chatted with Charlotte Goodridge, the youngest member of the MSM team and our first female Apprentice in Fabrication & Welding.
Q1 Firstly, congratulations Charlotte on starting your apprenticeship with MSM, when did you first realise you were interested in engineering, specifically welding for aerospace?
A1. I have always enjoyed hands-on work since a young age. Due to this I knew I wanted a career either working with cars or aircraft. I studied fabrication and welding at college and really enjoyed welding. As I like to challenge myself, I researched MSM and realised that an apprenticeship with MSM would be both a challenge and an interesting role.
Q2 What do you most enjoy about working in aerospace or what are the biggest challenges?
A2. I enjoy understanding how products are made, and then being involved in their manufacture is really interesting to me. I am fascinated by the variety of products manufactured at MSM.
Q3 Being so hands on, do you learn new skills very quickly?
A3. Luckily, I’ve been taught and had experience of hands-on work from a very young age, this has helped me to quickly learn new skills in the workplace.
Q4. What is your favourite part about working for MSM?
A4. I really enjoy working with and learning from different members of the team who have been in engineering for many years. The apprenticeship has been invaluable to me as I progress my career in aerospace.